• Привет, Гость!
    Нашему проекту требуются активные и целеустремленные Хелперы. Подать заявку на данную должность ты можешь в данном разделе: https://forum.diamondworld.pro/forums/moders/

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  • What's your name, how old are you?
  • My name is Pavel, at the moment I am a full 14 years old
  • Your nickname, privilege?
    My nickname is vtlisheaye / Privilege: Killer

  • Your contact details for communication?
    Facebook - facebook.com/gfdtk0
    Discord - VTlisheAye#6562

  • Tell us, how long have you been playing on our project?
  • I have been playing on the server for 2 years, I first logged on to the server in April 2019

  • Tell us, what projects have you previously participated in, as a project employee?
    Yes, I was, I used to hold the position of St.Moderator on the Freedom server ( ~2 years ago )​
  • Tell us why you should become a member of the project team?
    I constantly spend time on the server, wherever I am. Well, if you go to the question, then, a little about yourself: I am purposeful, I keep my word, if I said it, then I will do it, I never cheat, I really like to help the servers, in terms of cleaning up from not good people who insult the staff, because the players of the DiamondWorld server. I spent a lot of time on the server and will be able to help players with their questions.

  • Tell us what new things you can bring to the project team?
    I constantly spend time on the server, wherever I am. Well, if you go to the question, then, a little about yourself: I am purposeful, I keep my word, if I said it, then I will do it, I never cheat, I really like to help the servers, in terms of cleaning up from not good people who insult the staff, because the players of the DiamondWorld server. I spent a lot of time on the server and will be able to help players with their questions.

  • Tell us, do you have any punishments on the project or on the forum?
    Yes, I have a lock at the moment for deceiving the project management, I bought a razban for 1 ruble.

Минусы: На данный момент вы находитесь в бане, менее 15-ти лет.

Плюсы: Хорошая заявка, правда на английском языке, но в переводе она неплоха.
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  • What's your name, how old are you?
  • My name is Pavel, at the moment I am a full 14 years old
  • Your nickname, privilege?
    My nickname is vtlisheaye / Privilege: Killer

  • Your contact details for communication?
    Facebook - facebook.com/gfdtk0
    Discord - VTlisheAye#6562

  • Tell us, how long have you been playing on our project?
  • I have been playing on the server for 2 years, I first logged on to the server in April 2019

  • Tell us, what projects have you previously participated in, as a project employee?
    Yes, I was, I used to hold the position of St.Moderator on the Freedom server ( ~2 years ago )​
  • Tell us why you should become a member of the project team?
    I constantly spend time on the server, wherever I am. Well, if you go to the question, then, a little about yourself: I am purposeful, I keep my word, if I said it, then I will do it, I never cheat, I really like to help the servers, in terms of cleaning up from not good people who insult the staff, because the players of the DiamondWorld server. I spent a lot of time on the server and will be able to help players with their questions.

  • Tell us what new things you can bring to the project team?
    I constantly spend time on the server, wherever I am. Well, if you go to the question, then, a little about yourself: I am purposeful, I keep my word, if I said it, then I will do it, I never cheat, I really like to help the servers, in terms of cleaning up from not good people who insult the staff, because the players of the DiamondWorld server. I spent a lot of time on the server and will be able to help players with their questions.

  • Tell us, do you have any punishments on the project or on the forum?
    Yes, I have a lock at the moment for deceiving the project management, I bought a razban for 1 ruble.

Заявление отклонено по решению Старшего Куратора.
Во-первых, our project is Russian-speaking, your knowledge of the Russian language is important to us;
Во-вторых, Ваш аккаунт на данный момент заблокирован;
В-третьих, Вы не адекватны.

С уважением,
Заместитель Старшего Куратора.
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